Registration Information

Spring 2025 Registration

For teams interested in registering for the 18s, the 30s, and the 50s (11v11) click here for the team roster. For the 40s & 60s divisions (8v8) click here for the team roster.  For the 67s division (6v6) click here for the team roster.  Each player must complete a Registration/Waiver player. (Click here for Registration Tips for Team Reps)

The Spring Season Registration Deadline is January 21, 2025.

All teams must submit a team fee  – for 18s, the 30s & 50s  the fee is $1,600.00,  for the 40s & 60s the fee is $900, and for the 67’s the fee is $675. Please check with your team representative to determine individual costs. One team check must be submitted with the Team Roster by January 21, 2025. Any additional players registering after the registration deadline may submit the necessary forms to the appropriate registrar address located on the registration form.

Feel free to e-mail questions to the registrars as necessary:
Darcy Lobitz – 18s Divisions
Kathie Mutch – 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s  & 67s Divisions

Teams new to OCWSL must submit a $100 team bond with registration. Note that all players registering for the Spring season should complete the Registration/Waiver Form.

Player Registration (during the season)
Players who participate in the OCWSL must have an ID card and be listed on the current roster with an officially registered team. Players who are seeking teams can sign up on our For Players page.  New player information is available to current OCWSL Team Reps, who may contact new players to join their teams.

How to get an ID Card

  1. Download registration forms: OCWSL Player Registration/Waiver Form
  2. Fill out the form completely and sign
  3. Provide a photocopy of your current Driver’s License (or valid ID)
  4. Send form and photocopy of ID to registrar (address is on the form)

Registration Deadline
Registration must be made with the Registrar five days prior to participation in a league game. “THE TUESDAY RULE” Players must submit all registration materials by the Tuesday prior to the Sunday game in which they wish to play. Player ID cards will be mailed back to the Team Rep unless other arrangements are specified (i.e. pick up cards from the registrar).

Resignation / Transfer to Another Team
Resignations are to be made on a standard resignation form provided by the league. There shall be no transferring of players from one team to another during the season without the approval of both teams involved. Resignation/Transfer Form